stucco siding benefits Moriches NY 11955
Stucco is an amazing construction material that offers the appearance of brick, mortar, or wood, but is stronger and more flexible than any other siding product on the market today. Originally, stucco was used as a material for external walls and roofing materials because it is highly impervious to weather. It is resistant to most kinds of decay, insect infestation, decay, heat, termites, mold, mildew, algae, fungus, and corrosion. It is commonly used to build homes, commercial structures, bridges, parking lots, and more. It is also used for decorative purposes on homes as well.
what is stucco siding
The siding that you see on stucco homes is created by combining sand and lime into a wet mixture and then sealing it together. Once applied, stucco homes have a very smooth, shiny, and uniform appearance that cannot be mastered by any other means. Although stucco homes have a smooth surface, stucco maintenance and repair is essential to keep them looking great for years to come. In this article, I will discuss stucco maintenance and repair, including:

stucco siding repairs
One of the most common repairs that homeowners with stucco siding need to perform is to repair minor hairline cracks that appear in the stucco. Hairline cracks are not very wide or long; they are simply one or two horizontal crevices along the surface of the stucco. They can form because of improper building practices, such as poor construction of the house, settling of the soil, or a hurricane. Repairs that must be done include repairing cracked areas to widen the area, filling in the crack with mortar, or topping off with stucco.
stucco siding aesthetic benefits
A smooth, shiny stucco siding will make your home look like new, but stucco homes with damaged stucco parts or unattractive portions may appear old before their time. Cracked stucco siding may appear smooth because the repair has not taken enough time to dry and set. If the repair is uneven, the repair will appear lumpy because the pieces have been pressed together tightly. Repairing these problems will restore your stucco homes to their original smooth, shiny appearance. To avoid having repaired areas look lumpy, fill them with a stucco coating that has a similar consistency to the surrounding soil. The stucco coating will fill the gaps and fill in the cracks so that the area looks smooth and flat.
stucco siding warranty
Although most home stucco siding comes with a limited warranty against crack and vinyl chip exposure, many manufacturers do include a lifetime warranty against water exposure. They recommend applying at least 50% less moisture to each square inch of siding as well as making sure that any maintenance is done regularly. This will help to prevent cracking and unsightly water stains. If you live in an area where rainfall is common, or if you use a rain barrel for collecting rainwater, you should check twice annually to see if water has permeated through the stucco and into the house. You should also clean out any sump pits or sump basins once per year to prevent damage.
stucco siding installation process
The final step in the process of installing stucco siding on your home is to apply three coats of Portland cement, sand and lime. You should allow for an extra hour or two for the first coat to dry before beginning the next coat. You should apply the first two coats in succession, using even strokes only, so that the stucco siding looks seamless and even. After you have painted the surface, you can apply the final coating of cement, sand and lime. You should allow the finish time to dry between coats, but you should allow for maximum time between each coat because it can take some time for the paint to completely dry between coats. Wait three to four hours between coats, but allow for 24 hours between coats, just as you would between painting.
stucco siding installation final steps
For maintenance, you will need to scrape off the peeling outer layer of Portland cement and remove any hairline cracks that may exist. For any cracking that remains, you should fill in those cracks with new Portland cement. When your stucco vinyl siding panels are thoroughly installed and dried, you can begin your routine of maintenance.