TPO Roofing Membrane: Is It Right For Your home in Moriches NY 11955?

TPO Roofing Membrane: Is It Right For You?

Thermoplastic polyolefin roofing, sometimes known as TPO roofing is a very popular and common form of roofing on many commercial and industrial roofs today. It is a single-layered roofing system which s gained popularity due to its attractive modern design and durable nature. However there are also some pros and cons to using thermoplastic roofing systems.

Planning on single-ply flat roof

First off, you must consider TPO roofing if you are planning on using a modular construction or single-ply flat roof. The main reason for this is because the system is very easy to install. Also, this is very low maintenance as well. If you have a flat roof, then you most likely have a regular maintenance schedule to keep it looking good. With the TPO roof, you will not have this same problem because you will be adding a second layer of insulation between the single-ply and the insulation board that seals the roof.

TPO roofing

TPO roofing membranes

One of the many benefits to using TPO roofing materials is that they are environmentally friendly. Because the roofing membranes are made of a special thermoplastic, they do not trap any heat or sun. This allows the warm air above to stay in the building, while cooler air stays inside. This will allow the building to retain more of the heat from the sun during the summer months, and lose it during the winter months. This is what keeps the temperature inside your building constant rather than changing constantly.

TPO Thermoplastic is recyclable

Since the thermoplastic is recyclable, it allows building owners to control their costs for replacement, as well. By eliminating the need to purchase more asphalt to cover the old single-ply membrane, building owners can greatly reduce their costs. With TPO roofing membranes, you are reducing your need for the material as well, which will make your life a lot easier in the future.

Another great benefit that is provided by using thermoplastic polyolefin, or TPO roofing membranes, is the protection that they provide against UV rays. Ultraviolet rays can severely damage the structure of your home, especially if you have a flat roof. These UV rays will also fade the materials that you are using, so that everything has to be replaced. With TPO roofing materials, you will never have to worry about fading again.

TPO roofing materials are also very durable. Because they are flexible, it makes it very easy for them to conform to the shapes of your roof, and keep them securely in place. This allows TPO roofs to be a great solution for homes with irregular roofs. Whether you have a rectangle, hexagonal, or any other shape, you will find that flexible TPO roofing membrane is going to be a great solution for keeping your roof protected from extreme weather conditions.

Finally, TPO roofing membranes are also very low-cost to install. Most people do not realize that even though the roof is extremely durable, it still needs to be checked every few years, because an outdated membrane can be one of the biggest factors contributing to premature roof failure. With TPO roofing membranes, you will never have to worry about exposing your roof to the harsh elements, because they will be virtually impenetrable. When you combine all of the benefits of these roofing membranes with the fact that they are so low in cost, you can see why so many property owners and builders prefer them.

If you are interested in saving money and protecting the environment, then installing TPO membranes on your flat roof should be highly considered. These types of membranes are incredibly durable and if installed correctly, will be virtually impenetrable to the elements. In fact, most manufacturers of TPO membranes guarantee their work by stating that their products are able to stop the highest percentage of leakages, and provide a level of protection against the majority of leaks that are detected during routine roof maintenance inspections. This can mean the difference between saving thousands of dollars on your roof construction, and having to replace it prematurely due to ineffective sealant application.

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