How long does vinyl siding last? Well, vinyl is meant to last for a very long time. There are some important factors that contribute to how long the vinyl siding on your home will last. The biggest factor is the quality of siding your home has. If your home has top of the line vinyl it will be more resistant to weather. Another factor is is you had a professional install your vinyl. We know how to account for the change in seasons from hot to extreme cold. These changes in temperature cause your home to expand and contract. If your vinyl is not installed by a professional these changes may not be a factor. With good quality vinyl and a good professional install your vinyl can last 60+ years.

Can you replace individual pieces of vinyl siding?
Vinyl siding is built to last but life happens. However, vinyl is not indestructible. If you are mowing and the lawn mower hits a rock that flies up and hits the siding. This rock may cause damages to a single spot of siding. It may cause a dent or a crack on this specific piece of siding. The good news is that this eye sore of a problem can be fixed! If you give us a call we can come out and take a look at the damage and figure out exactly what needs to be done to rectify this situation.
Can holes in vinyl siding be repaired?
Holes are a problem that you do not want to see on the side of your house. They are typically the result of an accident such as a projectile hitting your house. If your home is damaged you will want to fix it. Luckily, that is something that can be done. So in short yes holes can be fixed without having to replace an entire section of the siding of your house.
What is under vinyl siding?
Vinyl siding is not the only substance placed on the outside of your home. Underneath the layer of vinyl siding is a layer of wood. This layer of wood is very important for the protection of your home. This layer of wood helps to insulate and waterproof your home. It also provides structural support and is a surface that siding can be attached to. Some problems can occur when this layer is damaged. Often times when this layer is damaged the siding above is as well. One common cause of damage is water damage that seeps into the wood and can cause siding cracks and rot.

What happens if water gets behind siding?
Water getting behind your vinyl is a problem. It effects not only your vinyl siding but your homes structure as well. If water seeps being your vinyl siding it can cause the wood behind the vinyl to rot. This rot will cause the vinyl itself to rot and loose its integrity. Your home will not have the protection it needs with rotting siding. If the water damage is too bad it can effect the interior walls of your home. If you notice or suspect your home has mold or water damage to the siding call immediately so we can prevent your home from major damages.
What is the best cleaner for vinyl siding?
Your home will become dirty overtime. When this happens you need a good way to clean it. The best way to clean vinyl siding is to use a mixture of 70% water and 30% white vinegar. This mixture is a great option for light cleaning of mold or mildew stains. If your home needs even stronger cleaner then you can utilize a plethora of professional products. Just be careful if you choose to utilize a pressure washing company and they often use to much pressure resulting in damage to your siding.
Is pressure washing siding bad?
Vinyl siding does get dirty overtime. It may be tempting to pressure wash the dirt away. Pressure washing is fast and powerful. The problem when it comes to power washing vinyl siding is the pressure that is used by the pressure washer. The water that is being pushed through the machine at such a powerful rate that it can damage your siding. You do not want to cause damage just trying to clean your home. Pressure washing is often too powerful to use and not damage your vinyl siding. If you have fallen victim to pressure washing we can help to repair these problems.
Are you needing to repair your vinyl siding in Suffolk County, New York? Pro Home is an expert when it comes to repairing vinyl. Find us on Google, reviews, and give us a call when you’re in need.