Home Remedies – Chimney Repair Cost
When it comes to DIY chimney repair many people ask the same sorts of questions. A chimney sweep is someone who cleans ash and debris from chimney flues. The chimney utilizes the force of an active chimney fire to generate a updraft and draw air over the open coals or smoldering wood allowing continued combustion.
The air that is drawn up into the chimney is highly pressurized; over a period of time this can cause buckling and cracking of the clay tile liner. If this happens the chimney can collapse inward damaging the house and brickwork below. If you live in an area that has a lot of snow fall or heavy rain fall and a lot of rain then you should really consider having a chimney fire fixed. A chimney fire can save your house from serious structural damage, loss of electricity, water damage and even explosion of your house due to accumulated combustible gases. Some bricks can literally explode!
It is important to ensure that you have proper bricks laid on top of your clay tile roof. Not only will mortar do little good to a roof it can also be dangerous. I am sure you have heard of many a dramatic roof fall incident where a brick chimney repair has led to huge walls collapsing. A lot of these incidents could have been avoided if the bricks had been correctly laid and fitted.
One of the major benefits of getting professional chimney repairs carried out by licensed chimney sweeps is that they can identify small cracks or damp spots in your chimney. These spots can over time become large cracks which can encourage the growth of mould and mildew. In these cases it is not only unsightly but can also cause considerable amounts of damage to your home.
Sometimes chimney repair contractors will use high pressure water jets to blast holes in the flue leading to the interior of the house. This is effective but can be very destructive if carried out without professional training and supervision. If you choose to have crowns or creosote removed from your chimney you should get these done by professionals as well.
If you decide to have your chimney repaired, whether it’s because you want to have your brickwork replaced or simply for safety reasons, you should always contact a reputable chimney repair company. Chimney liners are a necessity when you have a clay tile roof as they stop damp creating smoke damage to your home. If you do not have liners your home will be exposed to the risk of having the chimney fire spreading to your home through the damp heat generated by the burning clay tiles. In the worst case scenario, your home could be burnt down. For this reason chimney liners are a must-have for all homes.
It is always advisable to get a professional chimney inspection before you start any major home improvement work. If you have never had a chimney repair or remodel before you should have a qualified contractor inspect your flue and other aspects of your chimney at least once a year. A qualified contractor will carry out an inspection on your home improvement project using the latest in home inspection equipment. They will ensure that all aspects of your chimney are in good working order and will carry out repairs where needed without creating further problems.
It is important to remember that the cost of chimney repairs will depend largely on the area of your home that needs to be repaired. The size and height of your chimney will influence the amount of material that will be required and also the cost involved. If you are unable to find the cost of a chimney repair in your budget it is worthwhile asking friends and family for help. There are also a number of online companies who will offer estimates based upon your circumstances.