Engineered siding can provide many benefits to your home. It’s a quick and easy way to bring the outside in without marring your home. But it’s also more costly than regular siding. So what is engineered siding made out of? What is engineered siding comprised of? And most importantly, is a professional quality engineered siding contractor in New York City best recommended to install the siding for you?

what are engineered siding materials?
A typical fiber cement board is usually utilized as the underlying structure for engineered siding. Typically, manufactured wood siding applications include a plywood layer and an exterior molding. The composite wood siding on the other hand consists of a plastic board along with a hard core consisting of clays or other materials. The final product is a thin layer of metal that’s typically attached to the surface with zinc.
benefits of engineered siding
The benefits of engineered wood siding are numerous. For one thing, it’s a completely green building material since it doesn’t require any kind of landfill waste. It is highly recyclable which makes it an environmentally friendly choice. Plus, it is non-combustible which makes it safe for use anywhere in your neighborhood since you can simply replace the damaged part rather than having to tear down and build anew.
engineered siding is environmentally friendly
In addition to being more environmentally friendly, engineered siding comes in a wide selection of styles. For instance, because of its lighter weight, it’s much more difficult to find damage underneath it that would require extensive repairs. Also, many homeowners prefer the smooth look of natural wood over the distressed, cracked look of vinyl. Also, the texture and color is consistent which eliminates the need for painting which, although it looks great, can be messy. Lastly, since it’s constructed using cement boards, it requires significantly less maintenance than many other types of construction methods.
engineered siding installation moriches NY 11955
When it comes to installation, there are few challenges that are more challenging than installing engineered wood siding. Since it’s typically installed on top of the existing home, homeowners have no access to the interior of their home. However, most installers are able to work with the home’s current foundation. They will first assess the condition of the foundation and assess what type of reinforcement they need. Once they’ve determined this, they will make sure that the engineered siding is securely in place and has no voids or gaps.
Installation requires a professional estimation
With all of these advantages, it’s no wonder that so many homeowners and businesses are switching over to engineered siding materials. The durability, low maintenance, and long-lasting finishes make it a perfect match for both old and new homes. The siding materials do require somewhat more effort in the installation process, but it’s a very small amount that ends up being well worth it in the end.
For more information regarding this type of product, you can speak with Pro Home, your local roofer. However, in many cases, the easiest way to find out about this product is by researching online. By visiting websites that deal with insulation and roofing products, you can learn all of the details and benefits that you need to know. You can also search out information about the different kinds of engineered wood siding that are available on the market today. Ultimately, if you’re considering purchasing any kind of insulation or roofing material, you should always consider a synthetic, resistant, and manufactured wood siding option.
Whether you’re looking for a product that’s both durable and long-lasting, as well as energy-efficient, you can trust engineered wood siding options. The panel siding options that you’ll find can either be pre-manufactured, or you can have a custom made one created to fit your exact measurements. Either way, you can have a panel that will provide many years of service and looks great as well. The benefits of this type of siding can’t be overstated, so it’s important that you take a look at the options that are available to you today.